Thursday, December 21, 2006

Get Liquored Up--Old Skool Style!

YEEEESSSSS Ladies and Gents the Holiday season is definitely upon us! I don’t know about anyone else but when I see smoke come from my mouth (and I don’t smoke) I KNOW THE FREEZING COLD SEASON HAS ARRIVED!!! So you guys wanna know what I do to kick off this here to stay for the next four months winter? I get festive!! Festive with my Liquor that is! Here’s a recipe just for YOU! Bacardi Nog: 1 oz. Bicardi Gold Rum, 2 oz. half & half, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, nutmeg. Instructions: Combine Bacardi Rum, half and half and sugar in a shaker with crushed ice. Shake well and pour into mug. Dang, I could taste that while I was writing it! For more recipes, visit and click on Bacardi Holiday Recipies


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